What's it for?

Our Goal

“To create a viable plan to realise an asset of significant stature and endurance for the Parish which meets the expressed needs of the community, is affordable to build and sustainable to operate”

Project description

The proposed accommodation includes; a main hall with suitable storage and stage area, café area, meeting rooms and offices, generous entrance lobby / foyer, suitable changing rooms and a terrace area to the east of the building. The health centre has been set out in accordance with the requirements from the Woodhill GP practice.

The new building is positioned in line with the existing Memorial Hall, so that the stunning views East over the Weald are not interrupted when entering the site. These views will also be enjoyed from the Foyer area upon entering the building, and from the Main Hall, Café and the external terrace. The Health Centre, Offices and Meeting Rooms are accessed from the upper entrance level, whilst the lower level accommodation is accessed via stairs and a ramp for disabled accessibility. Changing Rooms are located to the North, which are lobbied from the playing fields to maintain a clean transition into the main building.

The Main Hall is located eastwards down the hill and turned in the same direction as the contours, which ensures the maximum roof height does not exceed the height of the existing Memorial Hall. In terms of materials black weatherboard timber cladding to the exterior is proposed and with use of natural timber internally; it is envisaged that a sedum roof would be suitable for this project, to provide ecological value and reduce visual impact from existing buildings overlooking the site.

Car parking provision includes approximately 90 spaces in total, with 11 Disabled Spaces and 1 Ambulance space. Additional parking could be achieved through the removal of some existing trees and/or extending the overspill parking further to the east.


Increase available parking

Alictotatem eliquamus earum, num vellaut prem quas que porempe exernam, sit que omnimax imporiae. Roreper ibust, to esectiis rem. Aquibusa que ipsapelent reicipid quiat dia et quam, experup taquunt eaquis doluptat erum, ilit exerovit untiorro minvel molupta ernatiur? 

Provide a place where residents of all ages meet one another

Roreper ibust, to esectiis rem. Aquibusa que ipsapelent reicipid quiat dia et quam, experup taquunt eaquis doluptat erum, ilit exerovit untiorro minvel molupta ernatiur?