Wealden’s New Local Plan Consultation

Publication of the Local Plan – Direction of Travel Consultation Document

The Council is preparing a new local plan for Wealden District. The Local Plan will provide policies to shape our places, plan and manage growth in the district and guide development over a 15-20 year period. The Local Plan will ultimately be the key planning document against which we assess and make decisions on planning applications.

This Direction of Travel consultation is the first stage in our engagement process and (in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012) we are inviting residents, businesses and stakeholders to take part in the consultation.

Within the consultation document we have identified a number of key planning themes that we know we will need to address in our local plan. These themes include climate change, infrastructure, housing, the economy and employment, town centres, tourism, the natural environment, landscape, heritage and cultural assets, design and health and wellbeing. Under each of these themes we have identified what we think are the key challenges, opportunities and critical planning issues for our district, and how these could be included in a new local plan. We also set out some broad growth options for consideration as well.

We are very keen to hear your views at this early consultation stage so that we can understand what is important to our communities including residents, businesses, voluntary organisations, Town and Parish Councils, as well as our partner organisations and stakeholders. Throughout our consultation document we ask a series of questions as well as provide an opportunity for you to tell us what you think on each planning theme. All of the responses we receive will be considered and we will use these along with national policy, legislation and guidance to help shape our Local Plan.

The consultation will be open for an eight week period between 09.00am on Monday 23rd November 2020 and midnight on Monday 18th January 2021.

Where can I find out more?

All of the documents relating to the consultation can be found on the Council’s website at https://www.wealden.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/wealden-local-plan-direction-of-travel-consultation/

 How to make your comments

You can comment on the documents online using our consultation system, which can be found on the Council’s website at www.wealden.gov.uk, or by using the web address https://consult.wealden.gov.uk/kse.

If you are unable to access our consultation portal then you can email us at planningpolicy@wealden.gov.uk or write to us at Planning Policy, Wealden District Council, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX. Please ensure that you clearly identify which consultation question(s) you are answering.

Before submitting your comments we would encourage you to read our ‘Guidance Notes for Respondents’.

Data Protection Act 2018 and Freedom of Information Act 2000

Please be aware that any comments you submit cannot be treated in confidence as Regulation 30 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, as amended, requires copies of all representations to be made publicly available. The Council will publish names and representations on its website, but will not publish personal information, such as telephone numbers, emails or private addresses. By submitting a representation you are accordingly confirming that you agree to this and accept responsibility for your comments.

Please telephone 01892 602008 or email planningpolicy@wealden.gov.uk if you require assistance in submitting your representation or if further information is required. If you, or somebody you know, would like the information (guidance notes, forms etc.) in large print, Braille, tape or in another language please let us know.