Wealden Local Plan Update

The Planning Inspector examining the Wealden Local Plan, Louise Nurser BA (Hons) Dip UP MRTPI, has published how she intends to carry out the hearing sessions.

It is confirmed that the examination will be carried out in two stages.

Stage 1 of the hearings, are likely to address matters of strategic significance, and of legal compliance. Details will be set out in forthcoming Matters Issues and Questions which will be published on the website once they are received.

If it is concluded that the plan is legally compliant and likely to be capable of being found sound, given the potential for her to recommend main modifications, the Examination will then proceed to Stage 2. A further set of Matters Issues and Questions would then be published. It has been identified that these are likely to relate to development management policies and specific housing and employment allocations. However, this is not definitive and may be subject to change.

Stage 1 of the Examination is to be held at the East Sussex National Hotel, Little Horsted, Uckfield. The hearings are expected to run for 6 days.

Week Commencing 20th May:

Tuesday 21st May, Wednesday 22nd May and Thursday 23rd May.

Week Commencing 27th May:

Tuesday 28th May, Wednesday 29th May and Thursday 30th May

The date for the second stage of the hearings has not been confirmed, but it is hoped that this will take place mid to late summer.

All enquiries relating to the examination should be submitted to the Local Plan Programme Officer – Lynette Benton, who has been appointed to support the Inspector during the examination process. The Programme Officer may be contacted by –
Email: lynette.benton@wealden.gov.uk

Further details can be found on the Wealden District Council website.