John and Brenda Holding edited their first Newsletter with the April 2007 issue – having been enlisted by Dennis Blurton (Newsletter Chairman at that time). March 2017 will see the completion of 10 years of Joint Editing.

We have enjoyed being part of a vibrant, good fun and supportive team, but we now feel that it is time for new blood to come in and take over. Therefore, we regret to say that March 2017 will be our last edition.

During our tenure we have received wonderful assistance from various different helpers on the copy-editing and formatting fronts. The role of Lead Editor(s) consists of overall coordination with contributors, distributing and collating copy-editors’ inputs plus updating the Dates for your Diary and the Regular Events. Final proof-reading, review of compliance with the Newsletter Constitution and production of the Editor’s Chair articles are also included.

If anybody is interested or knows of others who might be then please contact us by email mayfieldnewsletter2012@gmail.com or phone (872735). We can provide details of the tasks involved which do, however, require a good familiarity with electronic communications (email and attachments) and computer skills (MS Word and PDFs). The Newsletter is produced entirely by local volunteers and you will be part of a great team. The very best!

The work is satisfying, allows one to maintain or enhance computer skills and gives you an “inside track” on what is happening in our villages!