Police Alert – Sheep Worrying

Sheep Worrying

A reminder to all dog owners following an attack on sheep in Five Ashes, Mayfield on the 26th November.

Dog owners urged to be vigilant around livestock, and to keep their dogs under control and on leads around livestock or if there is a possibility that livestock are nearby even if you don’t see them right away.

Livestock worrying is a criminal offence and comes under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953. ‘Worrying’ is where a dog attacks or chases livestock causing injury or suffering.

This isn’t just a threat to a farmer or land owner’s livelihood, it’s also a dangerous situation for the animals involved, and could lead to more risk if the animals get onto the road.

A farmer is allowed to kill the dog if it’s worrying their livestock.

Always keep your dog under control around other animals and if you see a dog on the loose worrying animals, report it at the time.