Planning Re-consultation WD/2024/0751/FA – Lower Sharnden, Tidebrook Road

Planning Re-consultation WD/2024/0751/FA – Lower Sharnden, Tidebrook Road, Rushers Cross, TN20 6PY 


Variation of condition 5 of WD/2013/0862/F to vary the elevational treatment of the garage and housekeeper accommodation, moving car garage facility from upper ground floor to lower ground floor and housekeeper accommodation from lower ground floor to upper ground floor. Amended plans received 20/05/2024

Link to documents on web:

If you would like to provide comments to the Planning Committee please email the Parish Clerk at:

The Wealden District Council deadline issued to the Parish Council for this re-consultation is 04 June 2024 but an extension has been requested.

It is scheduled to be discussed at the next meeting scheduled on Monday 10 June 2024 however, if the extension to the deadline is not allowed it will have to be considered beforehand and the decision minuted at the subsequent meeting.