Planning Application WD/2024/2766/FA – Barns and Stables Adjacent to Meres House

Planning Application WD/2024/2766/FA – Barns and Stables Adjacent to Meres House, Meres Lane, TN21 0TY


Variation of condition 2 of WD/2024/0275/F (demolition of an existing barn and change of use and conversion of Sussex style barn to a dwelling, and conversion and change of use of ancillary stable to annexe/ancillary accommodation) to enable variation in window material from timber to aluminium, addition of four sun tunnels to the barn, installation of flues to barn and annexe, and increase in ridge height of the barn.

Link to documents on web:

If you would like to provide comments to the Planning Committee, please email the Parish Clerk at:

Any comments for the Mayfield and Five Ashes Planning Committee will need to be received before its meeting on Monday 16 December 2024  to enable them to be considered.

Your comments must also be submitted to Wealden District Council.