Planning Application WD/2023/1627/FA – Northover Barn, Meres Lane

Planning Application WD/2023/1627/FA – Northover Barn, Meres Lane, Cross in Hand, TN21 0UA 


Variation of conditions 2 and 14 of WD/2021/2084/F (conversion of existing barn into a pair of detached dwellings, together with a detached garage.) Addition of dormer type alterations to both approved units, flipping proposed garage so it can be accessed from the south, change in roof material from zinc to a composite panel, alterations to parking arrangements for unit 1 

Link to documents on web:

If you would like to provide comments to the Planning Committee please email the Parish Clerk at:

Any comments for the Mayfield and Five Ashes Planning Committee will need to be received before its meeting on Monday 17 July 2023  to enable them to be considered.

Your comments must also be submitted to Wealden District Council.