Planning Application WD/2021/1283/FA – Northover, Meres Lane
Planning Application WD/2021/1283/FA – Northover, Meres Lane, Five Ashes, TN21 0UA
Variation of conditions 8 and 16 of WD/2017/0531/F (demolition of two agricultural buildings, two garages, five stables and associated storage and a sand ring. The erection of a dwelling and a garage together with a garage for the existing dwelling) in order to raise the height of the house by 1200mm and the carport by 1000mm
Link to documents on web:
If you would like to provide comments to the Planning Committee please email the Parish Clerk at:
Any comments for the Mayfield and Five Ashes Planning Committee will need to be received before its meeting on Monday 26 July 2021 to enable them to be considered.
Your comments must also be submitted to Wealden District Council.