Parish Council News – May 2023
The final meeting of existing Members of this council was held in April. Legislation provides that the membership of the existing Parish Council shall retire on the “fourth day after the ordinary day of election” (Tuesday 9 May 2023) and that the “newly elected Councillors shall come into office on the day that their predecessors retire”. The Chairman of the Parish Council remains in office until his /her successor is elected under the first item of business at the annual meeting of the Council. For Mayfield and Five Ashes Parish Council this is to be held on Monday 15 May 2023 in Colkins Mill Church. Newly elected Members must sign their Declaration of Acceptance of Office, which must be witnessed by the Clerk, on or before the meeting to enable them to take part. There is other paperwork too – the Register of Interests, Code of Conduct and acceptance to receive a summons for a meeting by email. Please therefore contact the office as soon as possible if you have been elected to arrange this.
Parish Council elections on 4th May 2023
A reminder to residents that photo ID must be taken when you go to vote in the Parish Council elections. Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK, EEA or Commonwealth drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.
Compensation for loss of water supply
Residents that lost their water supply for a few days during the week leading up to Christmas should have now received a letter from their supplier to inform them that a £75 credit has been applied to their account. If you have not yet received a letter you can contact the number for water supply and general enquiries: 0333 000 0002 or you can do this online at:
Annual Parish Assembly
This year’s Annual Parish Assembly will take place on 22 May 2023 and will be held in Five Ashes Village Hall at 19:30. This is not a council meeting but a meeting of the parish residents that must, by law, take place between 01 March and 01 June each year. Organisations, societies and residents can contribute to the agenda and debate current issues in the community. If your organisation or society would like to report to the meeting or if you have any current issues that you believe should be added to the agenda for discussion, please contact the Parish Council office before 08 May 2023. The agenda is issued ten days before the meeting and will be displayed on the noticeboards and on the community website meeting schedule as usual.
Five Ashes Ash Trees
The ash trees in Five Ashes that are suffering from ash die-back near the War Memorial are scheduled to be removed on 10 May 2023. It is with a very heavy heart that is necessary, they have been monitored for years and have shown no signs of recovery. They will be replaced with a suitable ash species in the autumn.
If you would like to be engaged by the Council to carry out odd jobs around the Parish, please contact the office to find out more. This might include sweeping up bark chips in the play area, weeding and tidying up the flowerbeds etc.
Complaints on problems in the parish
There have been a number of different complaints sent into the Parish Council this year that have been discussed and residents should be made aware:
- Vehicles mounting the pavement in Station Road between the junction of West Street and Rotherfield Lane due to impatience when waiting to pass the parked vehicles. Also, vehicles clipping pedestrians on lanes with no pavements. Please be patient and considerate when driving and be aware of pedestrians at all times.
- There was a problem with raw sewage being expelled from a drain near Mayfield Primary School. Please remember not to dispose of baby or cleaning wipes down the toilet.
- Speeding in Mayfield High Street. Please remember that the speed limit is 20mph in the High Street to the top of Tunbridge Wells Road.
- Antisocial parking on double yellow lines and on yellow zigzag lines. Remember that your vehicle may be reported to Operation Crackdown for this offence.
- Parked vehicles obstructing or partially obstructing driveways and entrances to side roads. Please park responsibly at all times and ensure that you are not blocking in another vehicle or preventing access of refuse vehicles or emergency vehicles. (Also see below)
Access protection marking
APMs are advisory white lines painted in front of dropped kerbs, which are kerbs that have been lowered to allow vehicle access, for example driveways. They can be very effective in deterring inconsiderate parking which restricts or blocks access although they are not legally enforceable. Residents can apply to have these installed from East Sussex County Council (ESCC). The charge for an APM is £46 and if the access is wider than 10 metres, £1 is added to the charge for each additional metre. If you are a blue badge holder there is no charge for an APM, provided you live at the address. If your Blue Badge is due to expire within six weeks of the date you submit the form, your application will not be progressed free of charge.
- ESCC accepts no responsibility for replacement of the marking should it become faded or covered by third party road works, but you can apply to have it refreshed for a charge.
- Residents should not park on the APM installed across the front of their driveway as this can undermine its effectiveness and lead to general abuse of it. ESCC reserves the right to take the steps to remove the APM, if such abuse regularly takes place.
- ESCC reserves the right to remove the marking should this prove necessary, without refunding the charge paid.
More information can be found at:
Temporary road closure
Lake Street is scheduled to be closed from the junction with Little Trodgers Lane to the junction with Pennybridge Lane from 20th April 2023 to 17th May 2023 to allow UKPN to carry out apparatus repair works. The diversion will be via the A267, B2100 Wadhurst Road, Best Beech Hill, Tidebrook Road and vice versa.
Meres Lane is scheduled to be closed 5th June 2023 to 6th June 2023 from outside a property known as Arletts Farm to the junction with the A267 Heathfield Road.
Piccadilly Lane is scheduled to be closed from 12th June 2023 to 16th June 2023 to allow South East Water to carry out apparatus repair works.
Solar Together Sussex
Solar Together, the group buying scheme for solar panels and battery storage is back.Following a successful auction last year, Wealden District Council is once again working with independent experts in group buying, iChoosr, and partner authorities across Sussex to bring this opportunity to Wealden homeowners. Solar Together Sussex is a group-buying scheme, bringing Sussex households together to get high-quality solar panels at a competitive price, helping you through the process and keeping you informed at every stage.
If you already have solar panels installed, you can also register to have battery storage added to your existing solar panels to maximise the benefits of your system. For more information visit:
Consultation on Future Options for Uckfield Leisure Centre
Respondents are invited to provide their views regarding the future of both wetside and community dryside facili!es at the Leisure Centre. The consultation closed on 27 May 2023.
Instagram – mayfieldvillagelife
Available to for Mayfield and Five Ashes, this site can be messaged with details of a local event or alternatively, contact Cllr Sally Ann Tibbles:
and she will put it information up for you. The site ‘mayfieldvillagelife’ is a picture book of activities in this Parish. (Press ‘follow’ at the top of the page and you will be notified of posts as they appear.)
Parish Council Meetings
The meeting schedule on the website: shows this month’s Council and Committee meetings as well as agendas, minutes of meetings and other meeting documentation
Janna Todd, Parish Clerk
Old Manor House, High Street, Mayfield TN20 6AL
Telephone 01435 873784 E-mail: