Parish Council News – March 2024
Antisocial behaviour at Court Meadow
It was upsetting to find out about the antisocial behaviour around 3pm at Court Meadow on Sunday 11th February when three quad bikes tore up the grass. It is disappointing that members of the public can have so little respect for land provided for recreational purposes for the community. Many thanks to everyone who emailed information and photographs on the suspects. It has all been forwarded to the Police who are investigating the crime and collecting evidence to identify the suspects. Apparently at the time there were several youths at the all-weather court who sensibly kept out of the way but perhaps they took video footage that could be used as evidence? If you know anyone who witnessed the event and has evidence, it would be really appreciated if it could send it into the office. Alternatively, it can be sent to Sussex Police directly – you will need to provide the crime reference number 47240028405. Perhaps it could be mentioned to your children or grandchildren in case.
Warning about a fox
A distressed resident contacted the office informing that a fox in their garden during the day had become aggressive and had bit them. This occurred in a garden off West Street so please be aware that there might be one in the area that is not timid! Statistically, the risk that foxes pose is very small however they can be dangerous to humans if they are cornered or provoked but even then, their natural tendency is to flee rather than fight.
If you are attacked or bitten by a fox, try your best to stay calm. The fox might run away, but if it doesn’t, try making a loud noise or even clapping to scare it away. If you are out walking a pet, don’t be tempted to let your pet run after it. Instead, focus on getting some medical attention for the bite. Foxes usually have a natural fear of people so if you see a fox outside during the day, it’s no cause for alarm and will more likely run away if it sees you.
Tree Warden
Our volunteer Tree Warden, Ken Audsley on the Rights of Ways and Trees Committee has resigned and our thanks go to him for all his hard work. If anyone knows of someone with some tree knowledge who might be interested in taking on the role, please could you contact the Parish Council office.
Proposed upgrade of mast and apparatus in Tunbridge Wells Road
EE has asked the Parish Council to consult on a proposed upgrade to the existing equipment where the10m lamppost column mast (194mm diameter) is to be replaced by a 15m pole (406mm diameter), the removal of one cabinet to be replaced by two cabinets, with a total of 5 cabinets. This exercise is prior to any formal planning application being submitted to Wealden District Council for public consultation.
Don’t be alarmed!
Mayfield School has notified the Council that the school will be testing a new Lockdown alarm system.
They will have master blaster sirens fitted that will cover the whole school site and will most likely be heard on the High Street. The full lockdown test is likely to take place in early March so be warned!
Temporary road closure warnings
Lake Street and Coggins Mill Lane are scheduled to be closed on 6th March 2024 from the junctions with Fletching Street and Little Trodgers Lane to allow BT Openreach to carry out apparatus repair works. Advance warning signs will be placed on site advising of actual date of works.
Newick Lane is scheduled to be closed from the junction with Stone Cross to the junction with the A265 Burwash Road from 11th March 2024 to 13th March 2024 to allow South East Water to carry out apparatus repair works.
Stonehurst Lane is scheduled to be closed from the junction with Skippers Hill to the junction with Dewlands Hill from 20th March 2024 to 21st March 2024 to allow BT Openreach to carry out further works at this location.
Little Trodgers Lane Lake Street is scheduled to be closed from the junction with Lake Street to the junction with Tunbridge Wells Road from 8th April 2024 to 12th April 2024 to allow South East Water to carry out apparatus repair works.
Draft Local Plan
Wealden District Council’s Draft Local Plan was discussed at an Extraordinary Meeting of their Full Council on Thursday 8thFebruary2024 after which councillors approved it and agreed for the formal Regulation 18 consultation to begin in March 2024. The consultation will run for eight weeks and people will be able to view the Draft Local Plan at a virtual exhibition and in-person drop-in sessions.
If adopted, the Local Plan will provide a vision for the Wealden district, strategic and non-strategic planning policies to guide development and locations the council proposes for new homes, jobs and infrastructure to help meet the district’s needs. Dates and details of the consultation and exhibition will be released at a later date. The information will be made available on the community website when received. Documentation for the Draft Local Plan can be found on the Wealden District Council website:
Volunteer Streets Weed Maintenance
In the past couple of years East Sussex County Council (ESCC) undertook trials for alternative weed maintenance techniques in select areas of Hastings and Lewes. It has been agreed that volunteer streets weed maintenance will become a standard option available to communities/ residents who meet the relevant requirements if they choose to ‘opt out’ of the standard herbicide weed maintenance option.
The Volunteer Streets Weed Maintenance approach gives residents of particular streets the option to ‘opt out’ of Glyphosate weed spraying. This is done with the expectation that a Lead Volunteer for that road ensures a minimum of 60% of the residents of that street agree to be part of the option and that volunteers would undertake some form of weed maintenance. Please note the road has to meet certain requirements such as low-speed limits, residential / cul-de-sacs, to qualify. The ESCC team will be able to assess and confirm streets on an individual basis.
Further information and an application for new groups can be found on the ESCC website at:
Digital chat service for young people
A digital chat service supporting young people affected by criminal or sexual exploitation is newly available in Sussex. Young people aged 13-18 can ask Is this OK? via a chatbot – or connect to a real person for confidential support. Is This Ok? is a free, anonymous, and confidential service, bringing trained professionals together to provide support to young people through a chat service. You don’t need to provide your real name (a nickname is fine!), and they don’t need to know your address. They do not collect any data from your phone or computer (I.P. address). They will only know the things about you which you choose to share. Visit more information.
Online Safety Act
In February important changes were made to the Online Safety Act with the intention of improving safety on the internet by putting in place policies and processes to manage harmful and illegal content online.
The new offences introduced include criminalising: cyber-flashing; sharing intimate images of another person on or offline without their consent; sharing fake news intended to cause non-trivial harm; along with other online abuses. Indecent exposure, commonly known as ‘flashing’, is already a crime so it is right that cyber-flashing is also recognised as illegal. If perpetrators send unwanted or unsolicited pictures to gain sexual gratification or to cause alarm, distress, or humiliation, they will now face up to two years imprisonment.
Another offence introduced is the sharing of intimate images of another person without their consent, often known as ‘revenge porn’. Those found guilty of sharing an intimate image could be jailed for up to six months or two years if it is proven the perpetrator also intended to cause distress, alarm or humiliation, or shared the image to obtain sexual gratification.
Other new offences include the ‘threatening communications offence’ which will also see a jail sentence of up to five years for anyone sending death threats and the ‘false communications offence’ will also outlaw the intentional sending of false information.
Household Support Fund
The next round of the Household Support Fund is now live but the funding Wealden District Council has been given is limited, and the scheme will close on the 31st March 2024, or if funds have been exhausted. If you won’t receive a Cost Of Living Payment because you are not in receipt of a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefit or tax credits, but you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction, they may be able to give you a Household Support Fund (HSF) payment. More information can be found at: – click on Household Support Fund on the bottom left.
Parish Council Meetings
The meeting schedule on the website: shows this month’s Council and Committee meetings as well as agendas, minutes of meetings and other meeting documentation
Janna Todd, Parish Clerk
Old Manor House, High Street, Mayfield TN20 6AL
Telephone 01435 873784 E-mail: