MCC Update March 2022
MAYFIELD COMMUNITY & HEALTH CENTRE UPDATE – for March 2022 Newsletter issue
Following the information event in November 2021 and the many constructive comments received the design for our new Mayfield and Five Ashes Community and Health Centre has been modified slightly to include a somewhat larger kitchen and an AV gallery.
The priority task is now the preparation of the planning application document. The planning application for a major project such as this is quite a detailed process. It involves the project management team, which comprises representatives from Wealden District Council, the Mayfield and Five Ashes Parish Council MCC committee and the project architects, working with many external consultants, including transport/highways, heritage, conservation and ecology organisations, to ensure all aspects of the planning requirements are fully covered.
The aim is for the planning application to be ready for submission to the Wealden District Council Planning Department by around April 2022.
In parallel work is beginning on the detailed specification for the building contract which, on completion, will form part of the ‘invitation to tender’ documents (under guidelines for public sector procurement). This will be sent to a number of potential builders with a view to selecting a preferred bidder as soon as possible after the planning permission has been obtained.
Now that the project is really gaining momentum and detailed design drawings are available, we are in the process of establishing a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) to manage the new centre.
We are also looking into how we can obtain the additional grants and donations needed to fund the various fixtures and fittings that are required for the new centre. For example, additional tables and chairs, new kitchen equipment and furniture for the community hub. We are therefore planning to establish a small pro-active group of volunteers who would oversee the fund-raising process. Anyone interested should please contact the clerk to the council ( or telephone 01435 873784) for more information..
For further information visit the village Facebook page and/or the MCC section of the Parish Council website ( )