MCC Update – June 2023

Following the 4th May 2023 local elections there has been a major change in the councillors that represent our Parish and full support for the Mayfield Community and Health Centre (MCC) project can be expected from here-on in.

The results of the local elections also mean that there will be a newly shaped Wealden District Council (WDC) and once the newly elected council is established we anticipate rapid progress.

As reported in a previous newsletter edition, three tenders by building contractors were received by WDC as a result of an ‘open tender’ process on 9 March. Regrettably, none of the three tenders have proved acceptable to the Mayfield and Five Ashes PC or WDC. We are therefore now planning a different procurement approach, which would retain all the previously identified desired functionality using the original design as a basis, and introducing some value engineering changes so that the budget of £4.5M for the building costs can still be achieved.

We can confirm that by the time the newsletter is published the Deed of Dedication will have been signed by Fields in Trust, having already been signed off by the Parish Council at its meeting on 17th April. As a reminder, this Deed formally establishes that the c.12 acre greenfield part of Court Meadow will be protected in perpetuity for recreational purposes and can therefore never be developed for housing etc. The remaining 2 acres are not covered by the Deed and that allows the Parish Council to build the new Community and Health Centre unfettered by any Fields in Trust requirements. This has been a 3 year process but a successful outcome has eventually been achieved.

The Community Centre ‘Charitable Incorporated Organisation’ (CIO) has also been established to ultimately manage the running of the new community centre once opened. However, it will also be used as a vehicle for raising grants and donations, which will still be needed to fund the various fixtures and fittings needed to make the centre a fully functioning entity.

We now move into a new exciting phase of the project and will continue to keep everyone updated on progress via this newsletter as well as the village Facebook site and the Mayfield and Five Ashes Parish Council, or, for further information contact the clerk to the council (