MCC Update – December 2022
The planning application submitted to Wealden District Council’s (WDC) Planning Department for the proposed Mayfield Community and Health Centre is well underway. However, the process is taking a little longer than had been hoped for. We may therefore not know the outcome until into the New Year, but we will publish the eagerly awaited results as soon as possible. This will be at, on the village Facebook site and in the Mayfield & Five Ashes newsletter.
Nevertheless, some key preparatory actions are continuing to run concurrently. For example, the next stage of the build contract procurement process began with the issuing of the ‘Pre-Qualification Questionnaire’ to potential contractors via the Government’s tenders portal. Once the questionnaires are assessed, we will whittle the number of contractors down to five who will be invited to submit detailed and costed bids.
We also have the ‘Public Works Loan Board’ application for the remaining £2.3m loan in hand. The terms of the loan may not now be as favourable because of the volatility of the gilts market, however, because of the cost of living crisis, we do not plan to increase the precept, but to utlilise the reserves that have been built up over the last couple of years.
The creation of the new Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) is being registered with the Charities Commission. The CIO will manage the new community centre once it is completed. It will also be responsible for applying for grants and donations for those inevitable fixtures and fittings that are not part of the design/build contract and the additional items needed beyond those that can be re-used from the existing Memorial Hall.
Furthermore, anyone with experience in fund-raising is welcome to join the small group of volunteers that has been formed to raise extra funds. This includes items that the regular clubs, societies and hall users might want. Please email if you are interested or have any questions about the new community and health centre project.
In addition, we are pleased to report that we are once again in dialogue with Fields in Trust concerning the project, which will occupy the existing developed site at the top of Court Meadow.