MCC Update – August 2022

We remain ‘on-track’ as last month was busy with the submission of the new Mayfield Community and Health Centre planning application documents for the pre-planning application process.

The MCC project team has since received favourable feed-back from Wealden District Council’s (WDC) planning department, which is that ‘on a without prejudice basis’ an application would be supported. There are, however, a few inevitable minor points that the planners will wish to see, and which are being addressed.

Moving forward towards the planning application milestone, the final documentation is therefore now being drafted and the formal application is expected to be submitted within the next few weeks. 

Work to finalise the lease between WDC as landlord and Woodhill surgery as tenant also remains in progress and we wait upon WDC’s Legal Department’s confirmation of acceptance of the documentation.  

It remains as important as ever for those residents who support the project to please make it known to us via email to and/or on the village Facebook site where discussions are being hosted. Any queries about the project should also be addressed to the Parish Clerk. 

We will continue to post further information and updates at and on the village Facebook site.