The Mayfield and Five Ashes Parish Council Mission Statement
The Parish Council's mission is to ensure that the following individual actions are coordinated and benefit from an integrated and holistic approach.
- The Parish Strategy will cover the next 6 years, 2020 to 2026 being constantly reviewed.
- To ensure that the Parish remains an attractive and vibrant area in which to live and work.
- Maintain the Parish as a beautiful historic location in an Area of Outstanding National Beauty (AONB).
- Protect and enhance the natural and built environment we have inherited.
- Share the knowledge and understanding of these assets with others including the younger members of the community.
- Maintain the active community and be seen to welcome visitors and newcomers.
- Be inclusive of all members of the community.
- Create a safe, sustainable community where people will want to live and work.
- Develop our existing programme of performing arts and extend our reputation in the area for these activities.
- There are many action plans leading to the achievement of this vision.