Parish Council Meetings

You can download forthcoming meeting agendas by clicking the relevant date link.

In the period of each elected council, the following meetings are held:

Annual Parish Assembly between 01 March and 01 June each year and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May.

Committee Subject Matter
Community Safety and Traffic Advisory Police matters; neighbourhood watch; roads; traffic calming; road signs; car parking; car parks; emergency planning; road junction finger posts
Finance and General Purposes Executive Council Financial matters
Planning Executive Planning Applications
Rights of Way and Trees Advisory Footpaths; Bridleways; byways and tree preservation
Community Development Advisory Parish plans and associated matters; Court Meadow and other environmental land; youth matters


Meeting venues:

Parish Council Office: Old Manor House, High Street, Mayfield, TN20 6AL
Colkins Mill Church, Station Road, Mayfield, TN20 6BT
Five Ashes Village Hall: Main Road, Five Ashes, TN20 6HR

*The annual meeting of the Parish Council must be held in May except in an election year when it must be held between the fourth and eighteenth day (inclusive) after the election (LGA 1972, sch12, p7)

**The Annual Parish meeting is a meeting for the electorate who are encouraged to attend and must be held between March 1st and June 1st and cannot commence earlier than 6 o’clock in the evening (LGA 1972, sch12, p14).

2023-24 Meeting Schedule 

Meetings archive

You can find all documents relating to past Parish Council Meetings below