Mayfield Community Centre
Latest information, updates and documentation relating to the new Mayfield Community Centre.
The project, now in RIBA stage 3, is proceeding at pace with numerous meetings addressing a myriad of topics taking place but, as is often the case with construction projects, the contractor has experienced some delay in getting all the quotations needed from the various sub-contractors in order to confirm the overall project cost. The…
Read MoreThe project to build Mayfield’s combined new Community and Health Centre has now moved into what is called RIBA stage 3, which means that although the overall design and appearance remain the same as presented to the village at the 7th July Information Event, aspects such as heating and ventilation, power supplies and lighting are being…
Read MoreThe project is now progressing with momentum as the project team spend quite a few days per week monitoring progress, providing the design detail requested by the contractor and attending progress review and workshop meetings. The general design was shared with the public at the 7th July Information Event and for those who were unable…
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There are a number of background documents listed below you might find useful and which are available for download.
- Mayfield Project Sponsor Board Minutes 16.2.21
- MCC1138 Chairman Response to Leaflet
- MCC1137 MCC Location map v1.1
- MCC1125 Memorandum of Agreement v3.0
- MCC1125 MOA V3.0 Signed
- MCC1103 WDC Cabinet paper 21.10.20 re MCC project
- MCC1025-v1.2-Project-Goal-description
- MCC1024 WDC Appendix A High Level Indicative Programme 25 Sept 2020
- MCC1015-GPs-submission-Newsletter-Dec-2019
- MCC1014-v1.2-Heads-of-Terms-WDC-MAFAPC-
- MCC1009-v1.1-Precept-implications-on-council-tax-
- MCC1008-GP-Surgery-location-analysis-v1.1
- MCC1004-Project-Financials-v1.1
- MCC200 Architects Brief (25.7.20) v1.9 docx
- MCC2490 Deed of Dedication (30787284v2)
- MCC110 Business Plan v1.8 July 2020
- M5A Project Management Team Minutes 25.03.21
- MCC2813 MCC forecast costs and income v1.2
- MCC-Public-Consultation-Method-statement-v1.2_2
- MCC1071 FIT Change application form v2.3 Sept 2022
- MCC2784 MCC green credentials v1.3 landscape
- The Level House Site Evaluation
- MCC2395 FIT Supporting documentation v1.1 Sept 2022
- MCC Planning Application Re-consultation Information